Structure & People
The Leibniz ScienceCampus Mainz/Frankfurt is a joint research venture between the Leibniz- Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA), The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Goethe-University Frankfurt (GU) for interdisciplinary Byzantine research. The center was founded on June 1st, 2011 by the RGZM (now LEIZA) and the JGU in tie in with the "Byzantine Archaeology Mainz" (BAM) collaboration that ran from 2005 to 2011. Since July 2019, the IEG and the GU have been partners.
The activities of the campus are financed by the partner institutions and third-party-funds. For the period 2015-2025 the basic funding is provided by the Leibniz Association.