Literary history in a Medieval Eurasian environment: Methodological and interpretive approaches

Supported by the Gutenberg Forschungskolleg and the Leibniz Wissenschafts-Campus

The aim of the symposium is to contribute to the debate about the writing of literary histories, categories of taxonomy, theoretical approaches to premodern texts or any other matter that the participants would see as fitting the broader framework of the symposium. The speakers will not point to influences between the various medieval literatures but rather to look at larger methodological issues from the perspective of one’s own field and area of specialization, but maybe also from other areas, in other words, to present problems in each respective field vis à vis its scholarly history, the history of its respective literature, and its position in “Medieval Eurasian literary supersystem”. Τhere are fifteen participants: 9 scholars specializing in Greek literature (Classicists/Byzantinists), 2 scholars specializing in Byzantine history, 4 scholars from 4 other major medieval literatures (Slavic, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian).


09.01.2023, 10:20 - 11.01.2023
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz