Byzanz und die euromediterranen Kriegskulturen
Byzanz und die euromediterranen Kriegskulturen
The series Byzanz und die euromediterranen Kriegskulturen (BEKK) is a publication of the Research Training Group 2304 and presents the results of its research projects.
Wars both internal and external exert a large impact on the development of societies. The Byzantine Empire has always been in constant exchange and conflict with its neighbours and rivals due to its geographic position. Out of this arose a wide range of violent interactions with the Latin, Slavic and Islamic worlds, in addition to, as a consequence, manifold interrelationships between the respective martial cultures, which we define as the norms, interpretations, attributions of meaning and reflections related to war as well as its forms and practises. The aim of the Research Training Group 2304 is to analyse Euro-Mediterranean cultures of war and the importance of Byzantium for them in a transcultural perspective for the first time.
BEKK 4: Johannes Pahlitzsch / Jörg Rogge / Roman Shliakthin / Ute Verstegen (eds), War witch Byzantium. Legitimation, Consequences and Reception. BEKK 4 (Mainz 2024).
BEKK 3: Helen Wiedmaier, Kämpfer auf dem Schlachtfeld – Kämpfer in den Texten. Schlachtenschilderungen in den historiografischen Quellen des 14. und beginnenden 15. Jahrhunderts. BEKK 3 (Mainz 2024).
BEKK 2: Katharina Schoneveld, Illustrationen zur Kriegstechnik in byzantinischen Handschriften. Transfer und Adaption antiken Wissens in Byzanz. BEKK 2 (Mainz 2024).
BEKK 1: Johannes Pahlitzsch / Jörg Rogge (eds), Victors and Vanquishedin the Euro-Mediterranean Dealing with Victory and Defeat in the Middle Ages. BEKK 1 (Mainz 2024).